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Record GBLW1609444

Building/Graphics Building Wall/Illuminated/NA

Record Status: Issued

To view additional information - such as attachments, click the drop down menu labeled "Record Info"

To schedule an inspection, click the "Record Info" drop down menu, and select "Inspections"

Work Location


Record Details

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To view available inspection trips, click the "Record Info" dropdown and select "Record Details". Then expand the "More Details" item and open the "Application Information" section.

If you need to buy an inspection trip before you schedule, click the link below:

Purchase an Inspection Trip

After-hours inspections cannot be scheduled online. To request an after-hours inspection, please click the link below:

Request an After-Hours Inspection



There are currently no inspections scheduled.
Click the link above to schedule or request one.




For electronic plan review, please submit documents in accordance with our submission standards, which can be found HERE. Failure to do so could result in review delays.

The maximum file size allowed is 100mb
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Processing Status


Right Of Way Management

No ROWM data available at this time.

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